
Showing posts from December, 2009 was supposed to snow today...

It was only like little flurries...but there was snowflakes in my friends hair and I guess mine too, plus I got Coffee this morning so it's all good....Dot was being a party pooper about the snow, and every time we tried to enjoy it, she would some fact about how "Houston has X amount of snow already" or "this isn't really snow" blah blah...whatever...What sucks is that the Latin Certamin might be canceled tomorrow due to the stupid weather...that would suck...we have about enough people on the novice teams to have 1 and 1/2 teams...which would be 2 teams...with me the captain of one of them...I hope they don't cancel it...umm...I didn't get to present my stupid box on Raphael, the painter, today cause we ran out of 5th period(creative writing) some of the class, including Mrs. Garcia, went on the roof, they got caught, but were back inside before the SRO officer was out there, we pretended like nothing happened, and watched an ...