English "Wishing On A Star" Essay

This is an essay I wrote for my English class final.

Wishing On A Star

You’re standing on a balcony looking at the sky, when a shooting star flies past, you make a wish, you wish for your dream to come true. Korean girl group Wonder Girls sings about this in their 2007 song, Wishing on a Star. In the song the girls sing about their wish to achieve their dream of being world wide stars. In the photograph, Dreams and Wishes by Nicole Pierce, there are roles of colored of paper in a glass cup with a paper on top that says “Dreams” and reflected in the mirror it says “Wishes” saying that the two are the same. In life we realize it is important to have courage to follow our wishes and achieve our dreams.
Dreams and wishes often feel like one in the same, nothing different, you make a wish when you toss a penny into a fountain, you wish a upon a star at night, like they say in that old nursery rhyme. You have dreams of what you wish to do with your life. You dream of what you’re job will be, what college you will go to. And you make lists, of what you have to do to achieve these dreams, and these wishes. At some point, the dreams and wishes become the same. In Nicole Pierce’s picture, Dreams and Wishes, we see roles of colorful paper, in a clear cup. The paper represents the dreams and wishes, and it would seem the things needed to be done to achieve them. Also in the cup, is a paper label, that says “Dreams” and reflected in the mirror it says “Wishes.” This is saying that the two have become the same. The photograph is a simple photograph, but it’s meaning can be interpreted in many ways than the photographer meant it to mean. The photographer, meant it as a way of saying she had achieved her dream, as she was off to her first real professional photography job that week. But for some, it would be interpreted as a struggle, or just a simple cup with paper in it, by others. In a simple outlook of the photo, from the point of view of a high school student with many dreams, it is interpreted as all the opportunities and chances they can take in life to achieve their dreams and wishes, and goals. The cup represents to the person themselves, or the life of the person who is viewing the photo, with the papers still representing the dreams and wishes. Dreams and wishes are the same, and this photo really shoes that, as the label says “Dreams” and is mirrored to say “Wishes.”
Sometimes our dreams can seem so far away and yet so close at the same time. In the Wonder Girls song Wishing On A Star they sing about reaching a dream that seems far away. For them, this means making it in the music industry in America and becoming world stars. The video for the song was filmed when they were in New York for the JYP Tour, in 2008, although the song was released in 2007 on their first album. In the video, it starts with member Sunmi talking about dream to become a famous singer, and then it shows a collage of the girls from their pre-debut days practicing, the video then moves to show the Wonder Girls standing in various places in New York, they then proceed to start singing, the video focuses on Sohee, the youngest member of the group, because she doesn’t have a part in the song. The video gives off the sense of wanting to reach their dreams that the girls have put in through, not only the video, but the song. The song itself makes the listener feel as if they can reach their dreams, too, because the song speaks to many different people and not just singers. The song demonstrates not only the need to reach your dream, but the struggle it takes to get there, and the sense of longing you feel when you are trying to reach it. Not only does the song make you feel the need to achieve your dream, it makes you feel that it can be done, and that it can be done now. Not only the lyrics, but the music helps this purpose as well. The piano, and drum beat, make the song seem empowering and yet wishful at the same time. The song helps you realize that need to reach your dream, or your wish. The way the girls sing it as well, gives you the feeling that your dreams are possible, and not that hard to reach. The song makes you feel that your dream or wish is not that far out of your reach. For many of the fans of Wonder Girls, or “Wonderfuls”, it gives them the hope they need to stay patient, and as well mannered as they are characterized to be, because if we are patient, our dreams will come true, as we work towards them. If we are patient, are dreams will come true, and we’ll make our way. The meaning behind the song is so much deeper than the song itself, and can be felt in many different ways, by anyone who hears the song. Even if they don’t know the lyrics, the song gives that feel to the listener. The idea that our dreams our not out of reach, and are close, that we will achieve them by being patient and having the courage to pursue them.
Together, the photograph and the song, represent part of the big picture of having dreams and wishes. Both the photograph and the song will mean nothing, if you don’t have the courage to follow your dreams. The song, Wishing on a star, talks of following your dreams, and making them come true, but that won’t happen if we don’t have the courage to do so. We make our dreams happen, we don’t just make a wish and it comes true on it’s own. They come true, because we use courage, and make them come true, we make them happen. We don’t let the smallest of things bring us down. We write our dreams and wishes down so we won’t forget them. The picture and the song represent all of this, they make the viewer or the listener think about what they must do to reach their dreams. In the photograph “Dreams and Wishes”, Pierce’s message is conveyed with the intent of making the viewer realize the simplicity of the two ideas being the same, and in Wonder Girls Wishing On A Star, the message is conveyed with the intent of making the listener reach for their dreams. Courage is needed to reach your dream, because without the courage to follow, or reach for, your dream you will watch it disappear as you lose chances. But with courage, you will take those chances, and make your dream come true. The photo and the song give people courage to achieve their dreams and wishes. Whether they wished on a star or threw a penny into a fountain, if they have the courage to reach for it, they will achieve it. Having the courage to reach for your dream can be hard, to take those chance can be frightening, but with songs like Wishing on a star, and pictures like Dreams and Wishes, we can have the courage to achieve these dreams, and make our way in this world.
Achieving these dreams can be difficult. We can have many things that distract us from our goal. In the book, The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by Patricia A. McKillip, the main character, Sybel, has one true wish, one true dream, to catch, and fly on, the Liralen. Sybel is a gifted wizard, who can call animals and people to her with just a thought in her mind, from her mountain home in Eldwood, where she raises a young prince named Tamlorn. Along the way of the novel, Sybel loses sight of her dream to catch the Liralen, as she plans revenge on Tamlorn’s father, the king of Eldwood, because he tried to break her silence, take her free will. Near the end of the book, Sybel is woken in the middle of the night to see inside herself, and see the Liralen, dead and broken on the floor in her minds eye. When Sybel sees this she realizes her dream is broken, and she runs back to her home, loosing her animals, and reverting back to the silence. At the end of the book, she has begun to call again, and at the end of the book she calls the Liralen to her. Sybel would not have been able to do this, if she had not had the courage to stop her plans of revenge, and return to being Sybel, herself. Sybel had the courage to reach her dream, to reach her wish, and she achieved it. Just like the song, with the theme of reaching their dream of becoming world stars, the Wonder Girls also show this courage. In the photo, Nicole Pierce shows the courage to reach for your dreams, even though they may only seem like wishes. By realizing the importance of having courage, we can achieve our dreams and wishes in our lifetime.

The picture:

The song(video):

The book:

I hope you guys liked it. I don't know if it's my best essay or not...but I think it's ok...so yeah...~Linda~


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